Sunday, June 14, 2009

This Weekend

Father's Day is next Sunday. We were going to hang out for a quiet dinner at home, but Rob just called and invited us to her husbands restaurant for a Pig Roast! How totally testosterone driven is that? Can you think of anything more fitting for Father's Day then roasting the kill over the flame? Collective caveman grunt goes here!

I think the kids will find that pretty exciting. Except for Kate--she won't even eat chicken since she found out it was literally a chicken. Man, I thought we covered that a long time ago-I guess not!

So Pig Roast--here we come! I hope my husband likes that-along with his whole golf set up--it's hiding at Rob's house--so he hasn't seen it yet-I love surprising him!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you can convince her the pig being roasted is really made of vegetables?

A pig roast. You're right about that being a totally testosterone thing. Sounds fun!