Saturday, April 24, 2010

Finding My Routine Again

There are some things that have fallen by the wayside with Max around. I used to be so scheduled. That took awhile after having all of my kids--getting that routine back into my life. But with my older kids in school, I had it down! Not so much now. I'm a few days behind on my To Do list--but the one thing I've really been procrastinating on---finding auto insurance quotes. This isn't something horrible--just something that requires a bit of time, since I like to shop around. But if there's a moment in my day to get online---that is one moment of my day I can be catching up on my sleep (or the growing laundry monster in the basement)!!

Growing Older

Have you heard of prototype 37c? You know, I have never really been one to worry about wrinkles. Honestly, I've never been one to worry about much. I'm sure when gray hair and wrinkles begin to appear I'll feel differently--but for now, I'm quite Okay with growing older. In birthday is in 2 weeks---and I can't wait!


When I was growing up there weren't such things as hgh supplements. Well, I'm sure athletes could get a hold of it, but us normal folk---never heard of it. My brother always thought he was short, and never seemed to start a growth spurt. I remember he used to put Iodine in milk to help him grow. I'm not sure it worked...but today (at age 41) he's over 6 feet, so I'm really thinking he didn't need to worry about it!

Baby Acne

We are slowly but surely heading into the 'baby acne' state. My midwife always said, "As soon as mom is feeling good enough to take the new baby for pictures, the acne hits and you have to wait awhile!" I have suffered with acne my entire life. Because this "baby acne" is a glimpse at how this child will react to changes in hormone levels throughout their life---I'm really hoping these next few weeks are really mild. I've read up on different acne fighting products,found acneticin reviews, I've tried every over the counter remedy known to man---and I still have really poor skin!! Hate that!


It's kind of funny when you go into the hospital to have a baby. There is you, your overnight bag and hopefully...your husband. But when you come home, not only is there a new life in your hands---but bags full of baby supplies and promotional products. Now I'm not complaining---take home gifts are always fun. We've been home about 4 weeks, and I'm barely going through all of the sacks and envelopes and paperwork that came home with us. I hope that means that I'm starting to get back to my normal self.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Have You Missed Me?? with a newborn is a bit more than I expected! But I'm hoping to get back on track and start back into this "blogging" thing. Lack of sleep does create some interesting spellings---that's for sure.

Having a new baby is always fun. Those first few weeks when you can just snuggle with them while they sleep...HEAVEN! It is fun to watch each individual personality start to develop--each new baby different from the last.

It's been fun---and I'll keep you posted!